The Dave Ramsey Show

Don't Solve A 30-day "Uh-Oh" With A 30-year Commitment



John Delony & Jade Warshaw answer your questions and discuss: How to make progress in your finances after having your first kid, Busting myths about having a 0 credit score, read more: Living Without a Credit Score What to do when you need to go to rehab but you can't afford it, How to know if you should repair your home or move somewhere new, What to do when your parents don't respect your boundaries around your wishes for your wedding, What to do when your family transitions to a single income when your wife has had a successful career, Why you shouldn't be sharing vehicles and homes with people that aren't your spouse, How to address generational expectations and set boundaries while preparing for your own future, Why it's so important to prioritize paying off debt for your financial future, read more: The Truth About Debt Dr. John Delony's new Questions for Humans conversations cards for Thanksgiving and Grandparents & Kids, from the store: Questions for Humans Conversation Cards What to