Strengthening The Soul Of Your Leadership With Ruth Haley Barton

Season 20: Episode 6 | What about my puppets? Beyond Programming to Worship that Changes Us



David, Charity, and Leo return with Ruth to continue their conversation from last week. In an episode that could have been titled, “Confessions of Professional Christians,” these four vulnerably and candidly share their own struggles with perfectionism at the cost of transformation. David gives us incredible insight into the difference between a diverse community and a reconciling community. Charity shares what has mattered most to her young family as they looked for a place to worship and Leo reveals his experience as a children’s pastor when the children ruined all his well intentioned plans with their beautiful human-ness. What does it look like to make space for worship that changes us?   This season we’re focusing on worship, particularly worship that is transformative. Our season long guest is Rory Noland and we will be working with his book, Transforming Worship: Planning and Leading Sunday Services as If Spiritual Formation Mattered. In addition to Ruth and Rory, we will also be bringing other guests