Sex With Dr. Jess

How To Stop Bickering: 12 Strategies



Do you want to... Bicker less and catch yourself before you start? Stay calm and empathetic during conflict? Feel more at ease and connected so - that you're less inclined to fight? Tune in for a discussion - of why we bicker and 12 simple strategies to reduce conflict in relationships as Jess and Brandon weigh in on this listener question: "We love each other madly. He’s really the love of my life, and we don’t seem to have any big, deep issues because we’re really aligned - on values, family, spirituality, and the core issues. But we bicker a lot. I don’t like - the example we’re setting for our kids. How can we cut back on the daily bickering so our household is more at ease and we have more peace - because we both work from home." Check out and use code DRJESS50 to save 50% off almost any one item with FREE shipping. And if you have podcast questions, please submit them here. You can find the podcast on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Podbean, Google Podcasts, Amazon Music & Stitcher!