Scrum Master Toolbox Podcast

Creating Harmony in Cross-Functional Teams, The Story Of An Agile Transformation | Annu Paganus



Annu Paganus: Creating Harmony in Cross-Functional Teams, The Story Of An Agile Transformation Read the full Show Notes and search through the world’s largest audio library on Scrum directly on the Scrum Master Toolbox Podcast website: In this episode, we hear the story of a significant agile transformation. The initiative focused on forming cross-functional teams, combining diverse skill sets. While there was initial excitement, the teams soon realized the need for better understanding of each other's roles. Discussions and clarifications were crucial in aligning expectations. Annu emphasizes the importance of agreeing on work processes and communication methods. She highlights an anti-pattern of business stakeholders isolating themselves until they have clear requirements. Annu provides practical tips, including readiness to learn and collaborate, and prioritizing information gathering before diving into tasks.   [IMAGE HERE] As Scrum Master we work with change c