

Do you believe travel makes you more creative? Has it brought you closer to your family and friends? Today I will be talking with Palle Bo from The Radio Vagabond and we will be talking about becoming a nomad organically, working while traveling, and how being an empty nester became the catalyst to his vagabond lifestyle. We also discuss why Palle feels like a life completely on the road has actually brought him closer to his family and friends which is not something I had really thought about but I find to be true as well. Today's episode is being sponsored by the amazing folks over at Tortuga Backpacks which, you know, are my favorite backpacks in the world & the people over at Travel South Dakota which have the best free guide all about the beautiful state of South Dakota.  Check out the full show notes here! Tune In To Learn: 10:15 Being Home  13:25 The Tale of Palle 17:10 Bringing You Closer 20:55 Long Term Travel & Getting Ready 24:40 The Love Of Radio, Audio, & Cows 29:05 How Has Podcasting O