

Welcome back my friend, Rachel Story from Grateful Gypsies, who is an expert on teaching English online, who knows cheap nomad hotspots around the world, and has first-hand experience of why teaching English online is a fast track option to the location independent lifestyle. Today we will be talking about how teaching English gives you the ability to slow travel, the exact steps you need to get started, the best resources for companies to work for, how much you can get paid, how to handle the timezone challenges of online teaching and how you can schedule your teaching around you travel schedule. Plus so much more!    Today's episode is being sponsored by the amazing folks over at Tortuga Backpacks which, you know, are my favorite backpacks in the world & the people over at Travel South Dakota which have the best free guide all about the beautiful state of South Dakota.  Tune In To Learn: 12:25 For The Love Of Music 16:00 Origin Story & Freedom 22:50 How To Get Started Teaching English Online 27:30 Le