Dds Unscripted

"Urban Reconnaissance"



One of the main disadvantages of the modern minuteman team is its small size relative to a more conventional fighting force. This necessitaites a strong understanding of small unit tactics and missions that compliment a small unit well, one such mission is reconnaissance. Being able to effectivley perform recon operations is not only a great way to maintain situational awarness for your community, but it is also a manageable skill for small sized teams / units.    In this episode, Stephen and Jacob reintroduce the reconnaissance mission and break down one of its sub-disciplines (URBAN setting reconnaissance). Stephen spent several years working in a combat reconnaisance unit while serving in the US Army and brings vast experience and knowledge to this discussion.   This is part of a multipart series on reconnaissance. Check out Rural Reconnaissance and Reconnaissance basics Part 1 & Part 2 to get a broader intro to this topic.    CONTACT US The best way to get a hold of us is to email us. We love hearing