An Interview With Melissa Llarena

208: Navigate Holiday Chaos (Best of Fertile Imagination Book Launch Party)



Welcome to Episode 208. Christmas is drawing near. My twins are soon going to be 10 years old. This is a huge moment for my family and I can imagine yours too. A moment of chaos and stress in a lot of ways. Hence, this is why I wanted to share with you an amazing conversation that I had with Jenna Hermans Hermans, who is the Queen of Calm and the author of Chaos to Calm: 5 Ways Busy Parents Can Break Free from Overwhelm. Jenna Hermans interviewed me on book launch day for Fertile Imagination, my debut book for moms who want to stretch the power of their imagination so that they can use it for maximum impact. It was a conversation that I thought would make perfect sense timing wise because WE’RE in the thick of a cyclical season of motherhood in the sense that the holidays require so much of us and it might feel overwhelmingly chaotic. Hence, my hope is that this conversation offers some ideas on how you can remain calm, but you can do more than can celebrate yourself, celebrate other moms, and you