Dr Karin Love & Life

Family Rules: Should You Follow Them Now That You’re an Adult? Ep. 276



Elliott and I continue our series on how to best engage with family members over the holidays with this episode devoted to family rules. All families have a “code of conduct.” Some of these expectations are well known by all members. Others operate just beneath the surface.  How do we manage family rules now that we’re adults? How do we navigate the expectations of our family and then adjust to those of our spouse’s family—especially when these rules are so very different? And furthermore, what if our family’s rules violate the values we now hold as adults? Can we interact with respect for our loved ones while maintaining our integrity and authenticity? Join us to learn how to identify your family of origin’s covert rules to ascertain how they may be impacting you and your relationships.  You CAN remain true to your values and ethics while simultaneously enjoying your family this holiday season!   Sponsor The Wellness Company Website: ⁠https://www.twc.health/lovelife⁠ Code: LOVELIFE for 15% off your ord