Carolina Weather Group

Trifecta: Jim Cantore, Mike Bettes and Ken Graham



Our 12-hour Weather Pods Disaster Relief Telethon had lots of plans. Lots of meetings. Lots of choreographing. And yet we still knew: It's live for 12-hours. Expect the unexpected. For me, as the technical director, the hour that stands out the most was the 4 p.m. eastern hour, when through a series of unexpected events, three big guests ended up live at the same time. The hosts that hour came from our friends at the WeatherBrains podcast. As the first weather podcast, they have a lot of great connections and friends. Among others, they had arranged for visits from the Weather Channel's Jim Cantore and Mike Bettes. They had also arranged a conversation with Ken Graham, the National Weather Service director. But the three weren't scheduled to appear at the same time. And yet, it happened. It was a memorable moment for me. Three huge names in our weather industry were, for all intents and purposes, suddenly on a Zoom call hosted by my computer. (Even when you didn't see CWG hosts on-screen, the entire teleth