Recovery Elevator | Stop Drinking, Start Recovering. | Alcohol, Addiction & Life In Sobriety

RE 448: How Do I Let Go and Stop Trying to Control



Episode 448 - How Do I Let Go and Stop Trying to Control   Today we have Jen. She is 48 from Boulder, CO and took her last drink on May 12th, 2021.   Our latest Ditching The Booze course begins Monday October 2nd at 7:30pm EDT/4:30pm PDT and is free to Café RE members. The 5-week course is called Writing a New Narrative and is designed to help you explore your sobriety story through journaling and writing prompts.   Cafe RE - Use the promo code OPPORTUNITY to waive the set-up fee.   We have partnered with Sober Link.  You can find some tips and can sign up for a $50 off promo code.   [02:48] Highlights from Kris:   Today’s question comes from Dale in Virginia. He wants to know “how do I learn to let go of things, and stop trying to control?”   Kris feels that two themes that come up over and over in recovery are surrender and acceptance. He says there are different types of control and while some of it is normal and can be healthy, trying to control things such as other people and how they feel about us