Chats With Susan Burrell

Reaching For Your Highest Potential



Ep#257 - Reaching For Your Highest Potential, A Solo Show with your host, Susan Burrell. Welcome to 2024. I am excited to jump start 2024 and share with all of you what my team and I came up with for our theme this year. As we were brainstorming at the end of 2023 the word potential kept bouncing around in my head. And so that is how we came to settle on: BE Potential as the theme for Empowering Chats for 2024. The definition of Potential is as follows: Capable of being or becoming. Other words that showed in the definition included: Inherent, hidden, budding future, unrealized and undeveloped. So as you enter this new year I invite you to take a few minutes or more, maybe 15 or 20 to sit in the quiet and listen. If you journal, have that handy as well. And ask yourself: What is my potential? Am I living it?   OR Is it undeveloped? Or hidden? Does it feel safe or daunting to step into my potential? For me personally, I believe that becoming my full potential takes a lot of bravery and courage. And yet as