Ruse Radio

'GENE GRINMAN' - Words Are Worth It



Gene Grinman returns to Ruse Radio! This is the first time we've had a guest back so soon and for good reason. Gene's first appearance was beyond refreshing as he was the first guest to come on and discuss poetry and the beauty of words at length with me. The relationship words have with the world we've come to know is the most important thing in our lives. Reality exists beyond language but we use the only tool at our disposal in order to measure and quantify it. Poetry then takes this and give the power back to the listener by allowing you to interpret in the most personal way possible. The way you might experience what is said is rarely the author's intent. What we are left with is a mosaic of meaning; a message beyond comprehension. Never forget the power words hold. They are a weapon. They are a bandage. They are the strongest force known to man. They are the foundation of every relationship ever formed. Without words, what are we? As always, thank you for watching. New episodes of Rus