Slay Girl Slay

Pay Now, Or Pay Later



You can either pay now for what you want sis, or end up paying for it in the future. The best math you can learn is how to calculate the future cost of a current situation. We all want our lives to look a certain way, but aren't always willing to be disciplined enough to get it. We want to reach new levels within our business, our careers, our families, and even our personal lives but we don't like the discomfort of getting there. It's not the first time you will be uncomfortable and it certainly won't be your last. But only you will know how much your dreams, goals, and desires...are truly worth. Feel good now sis, or live good later. Which will it be? Thanks To Today’s Sponsors! Babbel is real language learning for real conversations. Try Babbel today and get 55% off your subscription. Visit ! Try out the Fits Everybody Collection at and get free shipping when you spend over $75! Click "Slay Girl Slay" in the survey menu after you purchase, and tell them we sent you! Submit Your