Real Talk With Rachael Podcast

Talk Therapy: First Fruits - Time



God put it on my heart to dedicate the first month of this new year by hosting a “First Fruits” podcast series. In this series, we are coming together every Monday morning and giving the first of a different area of our lives to the Lord. Last week we gave our plans to the Lord and this week, we are dedicating the first of our day and our time/energy throughout the day. We cannot pour from an empty cup. If you want secure confidence this year, start by spending time with the Savior. It’s in this sweet space that He imparts peace and tells us who we are. It’s something we can’t earn, yet He freely gives. Process:  What can I do to remind myself to give the first of my day to the Lord? What is taking my energy that is not fruitful? What is a time thief in my days? Pray:  "Lord, I yield to you as my shepherd today. Thank you for your goodness, mercy, love, and supernatural favor and wisdom that follow me everywhere I go. Enlarge my family’s territory in all that we do. Keep your hand upon us and deliver us from