Parrish The Thought

Episode 155: Jake | Mom, dad. I’m gay. Please don’t reject me



Welcome back to the program Parrish The Thought listeners.  Today's episode is the first in a short series I'm doing for LDS parents specifically and also applies to parents of all faiths. My guest and new friend, Jake, is 34 and has recently come out to his LDS parents. Having an already strained relationship for the past 15 years has been hard enough so one can imagine how this news was received. Jake takes us step by agonizing step through the road trip home to tell his family he is gay. The reactions aren't what he was hoping for and he shares with me the dark places of his mind he's gone to prior to coming out and since. No one should ever have to feel suicide is an answer. In all fairness to his parents, this is a surprise and shock to them. He's had a lifetime to process his orientation. It's new for them and only time will tell how the family dynamic will play out.  Parents. We can and must do better at loving our children, no matter their age. Especially Christian parents. Christ asks us to "love ou