Dr. Caroline Leaf Podcast

Toxic Positivity



Jon my annual Brain Detox Challenge here: https://drleaf.com/pages/brain-detox-challenge#?utm_medium=sms&utm_source=attentive&utm_campaign=Message-01-16-24-10:28 In this podcast I talk about the negative effects of “toxic positivity”, and why we don’t have to be happy or positive all the time.  Although this may sound counterintuitive, too much positivity can be toxic. It can harm people who are going through difficult times, and make them feel ashamed for experiencing normal human emotions like sadness, grief, depression, anger, and so on. If someone is made to feel that things have got to be positive all the time, then they may think that if they feel bad in some way, there must be something wrong with them, which can exacerbate their mental distress at a time when they need support and community.