Dr Karin Love & Life

We’re Engaged! But, Should We Actually Get Married? Part 2 Ep. 281



Building a strong marriage starts long before the wedding day and with 30+ years of working with couples, Elliott has plenty of solid advice for anyone newly engaged or contemplating engagement! But, first things first—it’s thrilling to accept a proposal and begin wedding planning, but we need to be sure we’re doing all this with the right person for us! Too often, premarital counseling focuses on household chores and budget, extended family relationships, etc. And yes, these are important, of course.  But, all these will be exponentially more difficult to manage if you marry the wrong person in the first place. As a former runaway bride, I see engagement a little differently. I know what it’s like to try to make it work with someone who wasn’t the best fit for me.  It was a good relationship. But, is “good enough” good enough?  I remember being so confused throughout my first engagement. I looked all over for resources to help me sort through my conflicting emotions. A conversation like this one would