Ann Kroeker, Writing Coach

Ep 97: How a Simple Comma Can Save a Life



Now that we’re down to later-order concerns, examining our work at the detail level, I thought we might talk some more about punctuation. We’ve already covered the serial comma, also known as the Oxford comma. Let's cover yet another comma: the direct address comma. The direct address comma will be review for many readers, but it’s a fun one to offer as a refresher. Friends, we cannot neglect this comma or leave it out of our stable of punctuation. With it, we save lives. Without it, the unthinkable can happen. What do you mean, Ann? This comma offers clarity in its own way. And you can lock in its purpose is with the now infamous phrase: “Let’s eat, Grandpa.” The comma after the word “eat” is the direct address comma. With the comma, I’m directly addressing Grandpa, issuing an invitation for Grandpa to join us for dinner. Without the comma, Grandpa is dinner. Some people have been advised to read their work aloud and wherever they pause is a good place to add a comma. This helps a little, but somet