Ann Kroeker, Writing Coach

#36: Why Writers Need Five Fat Files



Show Notes: Episode #36: Why Writers Need Five Fat Files Years ago, I heard about author Elizabeth George’s five fat files. Her idea is to pick five areas you’d like to grow in and even develop into an expert in, and focus your resources on those five areas. They could be five ideas, topics, themes, or skills, and they are five areas you can live with for a long, long time. Because you’re investing in them in a way that invests in yourself as a writer, and as a person, over time. Already you might find yourself starting to sort through what you might make your main five files. To try to figure yours out, I suggest you begin by asking a few questions: First, where does your curiosity consistently carry you? Last week we talked about following the spark of interest and letting curiosity make us more creative writers. What sparks your interest? Over the years have you seen a trend? Another obvious question to ask is what do you already know a lot about? you want to go deeper with it? An article a