Insight With Mark Farrell

Insight- The Real Friction Factor, The cost of Roger Waters words & Yes you can do it!



Tyler Martin joins Mark to talk about his new book: The Friction Factor: The Busy Person's Guide to Sustainable Diet and Exercise. Over 75 percent of Americans want to be more physically fit, but only about 3 percent of them succeed. Why do so many people fail? The answer is friction, the inefficient use of time and energy. Your drive time to the gym, those 90-minute workout classes, and tedious daily calorie counting are all sources of friction, and none of them are sustainable long term. Hear Tyler’s vast insight on how you can succeed – no gym necessary! Have Mark speak at your company, organization, conference and or retreat to increase morale, productivity, leadership skill and more with an in-person or virtual event.  Mark also has riveting talks for students k-12 and college on: overcoming adversity, anti-bullying/anti-teasing, mental health, drugs/alcohol, celebrating differences, self-entitlement, life preparedness, senior send-off and more.  All of Mark’s talks are from his vast life experience.  Re