The Vox Markets Podcast With Justin Waite

2226: The Weekend Podcast



On the weekend podcast, we reveal which one of us tested positive for Covid19, discuss dropportunity, Trump's ban, the vaccine rollout, ten bagger thanks, the trends of EV, Esports, Bitcoin, car & house sales & the economy reopening. We also mention the following companies: Argo Blockchain Mining #ARB C4X Discovery #C4XD Escape Hunt #ESC Gfinity #GFIN Ilika #IKA OnTheMarket #OTMP Polarean #POLX Powerhouse Energy #PHE Trackwise #TWD THE CONTENT OF THIS PODCAST IS NOT INTENDED AS INVESTMENT ADVICE, IT IS FOR INFORMATION PURPOSES ONLY. YOU SHOULD TAKE PROFESSIONAL FINANCIAL ADVICE IN CONNECTION WITH, OR INDEPENDENTLY RESEARCH AND VERIFY, ANY INFORMATION THAT YOU FIND ON THIS PODCAST AND WISH TO RELY UPON, WHETHER FOR THE PURPOSE OF MAKING AN INVESTMENT DECISION OR OTHERWISE. WE ARE NOT REGULATED UNDER UK FINANCIAL SERVICES LAW.