Scrum Master Toolbox Podcast

Reflect, Review, Succeed, How To Develop Your Own Success Routine As A Scrum Master | Viktor Didenchuk



Viktor Didenchuk: Reflect, Review, Succeed, How To Develop Your Own Success Routine As A Scrum Master Read the full Show Notes and search through the world’s largest audio library on Scrum directly on the Scrum Master Toolbox Podcast website: Viktor discusses the definition of success for Scrum Masters, emphasizing the goal of making oneself redundant. For Viktor, success involves the team being self-sufficient in facilitating conversations and functioning effectively without constant guidance. He advocates for regular self-evaluation through 360 feedback and daily journaling to aid in self-development. Assessing team success and reviewing metrics in the scrum of scrums are crucial. Viktor encourages Scrum Masters to develop a personalized success routine, ensuring continuous improvement and effective team leadership. Featured Retrospective For The Week: The Battle Between Two Movies, Finding Relatable Metaphors For Retrospectives In this segment, Viktor discu