Scrum Master Toolbox Podcast

Effective, Protective, Result-Oriented, The Traits of a Successful Scrum Product Owner | Viktor Didenchuk



Viktor Didenchuk: Effective, Protective, Result-Oriented, The Traits of a Successful Scrum Product Owner Read the full Show Notes and search through the world’s largest audio library on Scrum directly on the Scrum Master Toolbox Podcast website: The Great Product Owner: Effective, Protective, Result-Oriented, The Traits of a Successful PO When describing a great Product Owner and how they work, Viktor focuses first on effective communication; a great PO must clearly articulate what's working and what isn't to the team and stakeholders while fostering a reflective environment. Secondly, protection is essential; they must safeguard the team and product vision amidst constantly evolving technology, resisting the urge to chase every new trend. Finally, being result-oriented is vital; a great PO has a clear understanding of the desired outcomes and end state of the product. Viktor encapsulates this with the mantra, "It's always the leader who is wrong, and it's always th