Plausibly Live! - The Official Podcast Of The Dave Bowman Show

WTF: How 'Bout Them Donuts?



Both the Good Friar and the Rabbi are religious people, but while sarcastic goliards, neither of them could really be called “zealots.” So when they take a look at a couple of religious stories from the week, it is with an eye to have a deeper understanding of things. Not just to sing bawdy songs and drink booze. The Superb Owl was… eh… but the commercials, with a singular exception were a complete bomb. That one exception though, has had Dave giggling all week. Would you buy a $400 pair of tennis shoes? What if they were being sold by a politician? And last week we were told that the strategic situation was completely unhinged since Russia was about to launch something – nobody knows what – into space. Is this a James Bond flick? And we now know what is going on with Dave’s knee. It’s even worse than we had thought… How ’bout them donuts?