The Urban Farm Podcast With Greg Peterson

796: Rebecca Newburn on Documenting Seed Libraries



796: Rebecca Newburn on Documenting Seed LibrariesConnecting Seed Communities Worldwide.In This Podcast: Join Rebecca Newburn as she shares just what a seed library is and her organizations efforts to document where they are. They have had incredible success in first encouraging people to start seed libraries and now to document their world wide spread, in many different countries and languages.Our Guest: Rebecca is the Co-Founder of Richmond Grows Seed Lending Library, a free seed exchange located in the Richmond Public Library in Richmond, California where she lives. The “create a library” template she designed has helped hundreds of seed libraries launch around the world. She is the webmaster for and the editor of Cool Beans! Seed Libraries Newsletter, an international publication supporting local seed projects.Visit for the show notes and links on this episode! Need a little bit of advice or just a feedback on your design for your yard or garden?The Urban