F.I.R.E.D UP with Krista Mashore

5 Essential AI Tools for Real Estate Success in 2024 Ep. (848)



Hey everyone, Krista Mashore here, and I'm thrilled to share with you a game-changing video that's all about leveraging artificial intelligence to skyrocket your real estate business. With over 17 years of experience under my belt and having been in the top 1% of real estate agents nationwide, I've seen firsthand the transformative power of technology in our field. My journey has been filled with incredible milestones, including selling over 2,300 homes and authoring the book "Sell 100 Homes a Year." Today, I want to take you on an exciting journey into the world of AI and its potential to multiply your success in real estate. In this video, we're diving deep into five AI tools that have completely revolutionized the way I work. First up is BeHuman.ai, a tool that's completely stolen my heart. It's all about personalization – imagine sending a video message that greets each recipient by name, making them feel truly special. This isn't just about technology; it's about creating genuine connections, which is cr