Podcast Rodeo

Launch My Brand Today Reviewed



DescriptionThe Launch My Brand Today Podcast," with host Janis Sadoyama, is your go-to for personal branding and making your passion a powerful brand. Drawing on 14+ years of experience and insights from mentors like Marie Forleo, Mel Robbins, and Amy Porterfield. Janis delivers innovative tips and inspiration for your branding journey. If you're looking to build a brand that truly reflects you and amplifies your story and the legacy you wish to leave, then you are in the right place! Tune in to ignite your passion, build on your purpose, and transform your tomorrow – Today!Website: https://www.launchmybrandtoday.com/What I Liked About This EpisodeYou did a good job of establishing your credibility (maybe too much). You talked to one person.What I Thought Could Use Some PolishingYou were reading (and it was obvious), your audio was somewhat boomy (A Blue Yeti?), and in general, it moved a bit too slow for me. I would add a "De-esser" as your audio might be a bit too clear. You need to put your podcast on your