Women Taking The Lead With Jodi Flynn

Analiza Quiroz Wolf on Beliefs That Block You



There are a lot of myths out there about what you need to do to be successful at work. You may already be at a point in your career where you’ve realized this and had to shift gears. And you may still feel like you are walking a tight rope of, for instance, needing to be more decisive but not too decisive because that can work against you as a woman. Or, advocating for yourself more but not too much because that also has consequences. On this episode of Women Taking the Lead I’m joined by Analiza Quiroz Wolf to talk about the strategies and practices that will actually lead you to success in the workplace. In this episode Analiza and I discussed: ·         How her own story influenced the need to debunk the myths of success and the research and experiences that went into it. ·         How our strategies for success often come from those who want the best for us but those strategies don’t always translate into success at work. ·         The notion that you will be seen, acknowledged and rewarded by focusing