Long Arm Stapler

Ep 7: And! Lake



content warning: sex toys Welcome to the very first episode of Long Arm Stapler in 2019! I'm joined by Bay Area poet and zine maker And! Lake. She talks about her upcoming projects, including sexual poems and dildo imagery.  And! shares her creative process and favorite zine, and reads from her zine Swimming. Find And! on IG @andi_lake. We talk about the zine series Radical Domesticity by Emma Karin and Hairy Femme Mother by Jen Venegas. https://www.etsy.com/listing/260116570/radical-domesticity-2 http://www.skinnedknees.net/hairyfemmemother/ Questions/feedback? longarmstapler@gmail.com - if you're in the Bay and would like to talk zines, hit me up! Thanks for listening! intro/outro: dntel - feels like fuzz in my head long arm stapler icon: @ruthieee