Dr. Moe Anderson's Podcast

Racism, Protests, and Two Things I Wish My White Friends Hadnt Said To Me



America is on fire and many black people, like me, are more angry, bewildered, and depressed all at once than we thought possible. Racism has taken off its deceptive mask in broad daylight. No one can unsee what we have seen. We can't solve systemic problems with the same topical solutions of the past or looking the other way. If you want to become a better ally or simply don't want to trigger your black friend, listen to my raw, uncensored feelings about the tragic death of George Floyd and why starting the dialogue with a discussion of looting is a very bad idea. Please copy the links I've shared for a quick start curriculum to help you understand and advocate from a place of empathy.    (Historical Context to Help Understand Systemic Racism) (Animated Video On Historic Racism, Good for Students) (T.D. Jakes and White Pastors Discuss the Church and Race)   (Privilege Explained By A Black Journalist)   (Race and Public Policy)  (Policing Reforms)   (Bias in the Media Coverage of African-Americans) (The Bi