Love Based Leadership With Dan Pontefract

Gender Equity in Leadership with Jennifer McCollum



Jennifer McCollum is an acclaimed speaker, consultant, coach, and author of the fab book "In Her Own Voice: A Woman’s Rise to CEO." It's the focus of her book, where Dan and Jennifer discuss several different facets of importance regarding gender equity and gender-related issues. With two decades of experience leading and building businesses in the leadership space, her expertise includes how to close the gap to gender equity, why the most effective leaders are inclusive leaders, and how to demystify inclusion for leaders and organizations. She has delivered workshops, keynotes, webinars, and podcasts to thousands of leaders globally on live and virtual stages. Jennifer is also the former CEO of Linkage, a SHRM company, where she oversaw the strategic direction and global operations of this global leadership development firm. Linkage has been consistently ranked as a top 20 training company worldwide, providing assessments, training, coaching, consulting, and conferences. Prior to Linkage, Jennifer spent