Elder Law Report

Conflict Avoidance Through Thoughtful Estate Planning with Attorneys Greg McIntyre and Jordan Bentley



Discover the strategies to protect your family's future and maintain harmony through expert estate planning with me, Greg McIntyre, and my esteemed colleague, Jordan Bentley. Together, we navigate the complexities of securing your legacy and resolving familial disputes with finesse. Our engaging conversation brings Jordan's extensive family law expertise to the forefront, sharing invaluable insights for anyone looking to safeguard their assets from potential marital splits and ensuring their wishes are honored.In a world where money can stir up unexpected conflicts, we lay out an "instruction manual" for heirs, guiding asset distribution and fostering responsible stewardship. From crafting legally sound estate plans to tackling trust disputes and will caveats, we cover all bases. As litigation specialists, we're well-versed in confronting issues like insurance beneficiary fraud with determination. Tune in to equip yourself with the knowledge to not only preserve your estate but also f