Straight Talk With Sandra Reich

Helping Your Teen Through Anxiety and Depression



While anxiety and sadness aren't new phenomena among adolescents, anxiety and depression in high school kids have been on the rise since 2012 after several years of stability. Recent studies tell us that the suicide rate for teen girls is at its highest level since 1975. Self-harm and suicidal thoughts are also on the rise. Teens are telling us that they are lonely and feel hopeless. If you're a parent, those statistics can feel terrifying. What is causing these statistical changes? How can you tell when your teenager's attitude is more than just moodiness? Is social media contributing to your teen's angst? Are pressures at school causing severe anxiety? What should you do if your teen is dealing with acute depression? What are the signs to watch for? Fortunately, depression and anxiety ARE treatable and parents can help. Your love, guidance, and support can help! Listen in as Sandra and her colleague, Georgia Dow, open up on this important topic.