#amwriting With Jess & Kj

394: Things Jess Learned This Month, Ep. 394



Hey hey Jess here!  I had a couple of great learning opportunities this month, so in the interest of flattening learning curves, I took notes for all of you!  First up, I took a call from a company interested in working with me to boost my platform, and I was curious about what they do and how they do it. While I won’t reveal what company I talked to, I will tell you about all the things I learned on that call. Companies that promise to boost platform are proliferating, and I was curious about how it all works.  Second, I was on a panel about monetizing platform at the Institute for Independent Journalists conference on freelancing and learned SO much from my co-presenters. I have subscribed to all of their newsletters because they are very cool writers, all.  Frankie de la Cretaz, Out of Your League: Dispatches from the intersection of queer sports and pop culture. Tim Herrera, Freelancing With Tim: Demystifying the world of freelance journalism. Morgan Sung, Rat.House: an exploration of social platfor