Pacey Performance Podcast

Reflections from working across the elite football trifecta: Premier League club, league and federation with James Bunce



In this episode of the Pacey Performance Podcast, Rob is joined by James Bunce, Performance Consultant & Owner, XG Performance. James shares his journey, starting from Southampton, where he climbed up to head of the department from initially starting as an intern in the academy, through his transition to the Premier League to develop a high-performance department, to taking on challenges in the US and Monaco. Reflecting on his experiences, James discusses the excitement and challenges of setting up his consultancy, including working on the 30th MLS franchise in San Diego. The episode delves into the essence of succeeding in the competitive sports industry, highlighting the need for hustle, differentiation, and continuous learning. It underscores the importance of professionalization and modernization of coaching practices, alongside advocating for a focus on athletic development and player performance pathways. The discussion also covers the challenges of transitioning to consultancy roles, the value of p