Plausibly Live! - The Official Podcast Of The Dave Bowman Show

DDH - Phillip Dru: President of the United States



On the evening of April 2, 1917, President Woodrow Wilson stood before an excited Congress and Gallery, and asked that the nation declare war on Imperial Germany. In a strange way, this was the penultimate Wilson moment. He would ask – already knowing the answer – the nation to follow his leadership into a war to make the world safe for democracy. We are told that he had spent the night before in a small office of the east Wing, pouring out his soul to a friend who also happened to be a newspaper reporter. He was terrified for the nation, that he believed that he war would destroy the United States as a free nation. That the Constitution would be shredded to pieces and the very freedoms on which it had been founded and stood would be erased. Standing before Congress, and the nation, he showed no signs of such concerns or fears. To thunderous applause and joyous acclaim, he would tell the Congress that “We are the champions of the rights of mankind.” The nation would rally behind his words and go “over there