Meaningful Mondays

Creating a Tidal Wave of Change - Let Gratitude be Your Guide



Hello everyone, and welcome to this week's Meaningful Monday with me, Lee Brower. I'm thrilled, as always, to join you at this most wonderful time of the year. It's the perfect time to reflect on the power of gratitude. Its transformative effects permeate our daily lives, often in ways we don't fully appreciate. Whether it's the spirit of renewal from Easter celebrations or the reflections of freedom symbolized by Passover, these occasions are powerful reminders to appreciate and share our gratitude. Gratitude is often underestimated. A simple 'thank you' has far-reaching effects. The problem lies in our tendency to limit the expression of this powerful emotion, especially in our workplaces despite its potential to nourish our personal and professional relationships, much like a river irrigating our fields. Gratitude fuels productivity, personal growth, and enriches our communities. A study once showed that by simply expressing gratitude, a group's productivity increased by 50%. This goes to show that gratitu