Something Rhymes With Purple

Oxford, Gibson and Brogue



This week Susie and Gyles delve back into a favourite topic, shoes. Inspired by purple person Kevin, the origins of all manner of footwear are discussed such as Oxford's, Brogue's and Gibson's.  We love hearing from you, find us @SomethingRhymes on Twitter and Facebook, @SomethingRhymesWith on Instagram or you can email us on our email address here: Want even more purple, people? Join the Purple Plus Club by clicking the banner in Apple podcasts or head to to listen on other platforms. Enjoy Susie’s Trio for the week:  Obloquy: public condemnation. Myrmidon: Someone who unscrupulously follows someone more powerful.  Naiad: a nymph of lakes, springs and rivers. Gyles' poem this week is called 'Life Is Like A Pair Of New Shoes' by Cameron Delaney Life's like a pair of new shoes Their sparkling brand-new white hues The stiff soles and laces Tied up tightly like braces That eventually wear down as you use Life's like a pair of new