Feminine Power Time With Christine Arylo

237: How to Reveal Invisible Patterns Within You Ripe for Breakthrough - #1 of 3



Shadow patterns. Self limiting imprints. Sabotaging cycles and habits. That we just can't shake or seem to breakthrough.... or maybe we just haven't had the holsitic approach and wisdom and tools to get to the roots of where the "shadow frequency" keeps us stuck in cycles that no longer serve us. Or maybe we've been working these patterns for decades, and we are now ready to truly break free + breakthrough. In this series: The Practice of Breakthroughing Patterns We No Longer Need, the last in our 8th season, we will take a 3-part journey to give you insight, wisdom and tools to:  See and NAME the patterns that no longer serve you, and that are ready to release to you can elevate into the next expression of your career, relationships, wellbeing, expression, relationships, wealth -- because it's time!  Break Apart the Old + Breakthrough to the New - breakthrough takes time and structure and focus, for which there are simple models and practices you can use.   Share the Common Collective Patterns Up For Breakt