Wagner Live Midweek Update

S2 E103: Women in Tech and Social Media



What is the best platform to create video content for your business? How do you create great live video streams that are watchable afterward and that bring in ROI? In this episode of Wagner Live, we have String Nguyen, the producer of the award-winning Snapchat channel “Women in Tech”, who has amassed over 350 interviews with entrepreneurs and startup founders, like Gary Vaynerchuk, Holly Liu (Kabam), and Hugh Forrest (SXSW). For the last three years, she has been pioneering videos on social media and was recognized as a “Top Voice” on LinkedIn and nominated for 30 under 30 Forbes Asia.Listen in to learn how to use a good call to action to monetize B2B video content for your business. You will also learn how various platforms are built for video and which one you should choose to stream your content. What You’ll Discover:[3:04] String on how she got started in creating B2B content on LinkedIn.[5:54] Why the secret to live video streaming is the ability to make those videos watchable afterward. [6:44] How to u