Beauty Inside Out With Kimberly Snyder

How Your Emotional Health is actually Related to and Benefits from Gut Health



This week’s topic is: How Your Emotional Health is actually Related to and Benefits from Gut Health This topic illustrates how deeply connected all different aspects of our wellness are and that it's never going to be just one thing that gets us there. This is why we talk so much about our Four Cornerstones, food, body, emotional wellbeing and spiritual growth and how everything is interrelated. Last week we talked about longevity and spirituality. This week we're talking about gut health, which is in our physical bodies, however, has an impact on our emotional wellbeing and then our emotional wellbeing and our emotional intelligence has a profound impact on our physiology and how our bodies work. We start to see how everything starts to connect like pieces of a puzzle. And it doesn't have to be complicated. It doesn't have to feel overwhelming when you may think, oh, there's all these different parts. What we want to remember overall is that there is a physical component to us and we want to nurture our bodi