Beauty Inside Out With Kimberly Snyder

Embracing Meditation With Jeff Warren & Organic Soy Isn't Bad For You



Soy has gotten a bad rap—and while it may not be a perfect food, it's far from the villain most nutritional experts have made it out to be. On this segment, Tony and I review some of the major myths around soy and why you don't need to worry. Especially if you're avoiding GMO or overly processed soy products. Yes, that includes you men! Find out why soy doesn't turn men into women or give women breast cancer on this informative segment. Next, we have my very special guest Jeff Warren whose a former journalist for the New York times and a best-selling author. Jeff wrote The Head Trip and is co-author of the new book Meditation for Fidgety Skeptics. He is also the founder of the Consciousness Explorers Club. Jeff shares his journey from journalism to writing books and focusing on meditation. Listen in as we try to understand how the mind works and what it means to have a healthy mind. [BULLETS] Tony and I delve into more research on the topic of organic, non-GMO soy is not bad for you and why... Why I am takin