Beauty Inside Out With Kimberly Snyder

Holistic Skin Care With Tricia Trimble & Two Scientific Secrets for Happiness



You already know things like gratitude and forgiveness are scientifically proven to increase happiness and mental health. However, there are some additional principles recently discovered that can greatly impact your daily sense of happiness in surprising ways. Especially because technology CAN impede your ability to experience these unique dimensions of happiness. Learn more about the problem and solutions in this fun new segment! Next, we have my very special guest Tricia Trimble, who is an entrepreneur and founder of Suntegrity Skin Care an award winning holistic, mineral sun care line to help people avoid skin cancer. Suntegrity was recently awarded "Champion" Status by the EWG/Compact for Safe Cosmetics. [BULLETS] Tony and I talk about happiness and how this is connected to our loved ones ... What research is saying about connection and how it relates to happiness... How external factors in your lifestyle influence happiness... Why having a strongly built community is a key factor in finding support...