Beauty Inside Out With Kimberly Snyder

Shedding Light With ‘What The Health’s’ Keegan Kuhn & Feeling SAD? This Might Be Why!



In this segment, Tony and I discuss something called SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder) and how it affects millions of people without them realizing it. You'll discover the cause of it, how it affects your body (especially your mood) and some natural solutions that can help tremendously. If you've ever felt gloomy as seasons shifted into Fall or Winter, you'll want to check this one out! Next, we have my very special guest Keegan Kuhn, who is an award-winning documentary filmmaker and co-director. He created the groundbreaking environmental films Cowspiracy: The Sustainability Secret and his current film, What's The Heath. Listen in as Keegan shares some insight into his new film and what the future holds. [BULLETS] Tony and I discuss the idea of Seasonal Affective Disorder and just how real and prevalent it is... We share our personal experience in dealing and coping with sadness during the colder seasons... What the definition of SAD encompasses... Tips and tools to help alleviate SAD... How to supplement t