Beauty Inside Out With Kimberly Snyder

The Fearless Goddess Collection with Satya Scainetti & Biohacking: Pro’s and Con’s



Ever heard the term "biohacking"? It's become a huge trend in the health space, and in this segment, Tony and I take a deep dive into what it is. More importantly, you'll learn about the good aspects of biohacking, AND the negative aspects and issues that could adversely affect your health. Don't miss this essential overview and Kimberly's perspective on a very controversial topic! Next, we have my very special guest Satya Scainetti who is the CEO and founder of Satya Jewelry, philanthropist, yoga teacher and Reiki healer. Satya does a lot of philanthropy work, giving back, and early childhood development. She shares some tips and advice based on her own journey and how you too can find balance in your life. We also talk about our new collaboration project that will empower you to live your life to the fullest.    [BULLETS] Tony and I define what biohacking is and what it's possible negatives aspects... We discuss how we can become naturally more healthy and go back to our natural state... What Biocybernaut