Beauty Inside Out With Kimberly Snyder

Peace and Meaning With Pedram Shojai & How Bad Are Lectins?



Heard the controversy over lectins? There's a lot of hype out there that lectins, a type of protein that bind to certain plant-cell membranes, are as bad for you as gluten and other known toxins. In this segment, we review the lectin controversy and whether you should be worried, what to do, and finding balance. Next, I have my very special guest Pedram Shojai who is a doctor of Oriental Medicine, a New York Times bestselling author, and producer. Pedram's mission is to help enlighten the world through education, philanthropy, innovation, and conservation. He is here to enjoy life and help bring peace and meaning to my world. Listen in as Pedram shares his experience with Stress Management and tips and tools on how we can manage stress.   [BULLETS] Tony shares the general thought behind lectins and which foods they are found in... We discuss how lectins are not all good or bad... What effects and benefits lectins provide... Which foods have lectins that act as a poison to the body... We share the Beauty Deto