Beauty Inside Out With Kimberly Snyder

How Can I Make My Hair Stronger?



I am so excited because it's time for this week's Q&A segment on "Beauty Inside Out" with Kimberly Snyder. This week, I answer four trending questions from the Beauty Detox Community. This week's most popular question was: How Can I Make My Hair Stronger? Have you been asking yourself this very same question? If you want to know the answer to this question and 3 more sent in by Beauties just like you, listen now to find out! Remember you can submit your questions at [Questions Answered] Stacey - Jacksonville FL How often would you suggest eating dairy free yogurt, like Kite Hill or other brands? Are they healthy as an occasional treat? Donna - NYC, NY I need hair help! What foods are good for making your hair stronger/thicker?? Caitlin - Sydney, Australia What are your thoughts on adding frozen cauliflower to green smoothies? Do you think it's a good replacement for fruit in the GGS? Charlotte - Portugal I have just bought an enema kit and am amazed by it, even after