Beauty Inside Out With Kimberly Snyder

Reinventing Yourself With John Salley & The Risk Of Too Much Protein



With so much emphasis on protein, it's easy to forget that excess protein is not only toxic (which we've covered extensively)--it also can't be used by the body. The real secret to maximizing protein is actually focusing on what protein BECOMES after it's digested: amino acids. Amino acids bring many health benefits, from muscle and metabolism to brain and beyond. Tony and I review the latest science and give you tips for maximizing your amino acid intake. Next, I have my very special guest John Salley who is Master of Habit Change, NBA Champ, an Actor, Philanthropist, Chef, Wellness Advocate, and Entrepreneur. We talk about his passion in the fight against diabetes and his documentary "Invisible Vegan". Listen in as John shares the many different aspects of his career and how health and fitness is a huge part of his life. [BULLETS] Tony breaks down how amino acids are the building blocks of protein... Ways in which amino acids are beneficial for healthy skin, hair, and muscle tone... What protein does for t