Beauty Inside Out With Kimberly Snyder

Enhance Your Sleep With Dr. Jay & Top 5 Nutrient Deficiencies



While a lot of false fear is used in marketing nutritional supplements, there are some common nutritional deficiencies that it's good to be aware of. In this segment, Tony and I discuss the top 5 most common ones -- backed by research -- and some of the best ways to correct those inexpensively. Next, I have my very special guest Dr. Jay who is my personal Ayurvedic teacher and is one of the foremost Ayurvedic practitioners in the United States. He is very passionate about spreading Ayurveda to the West in hopes of assisting others elevate their health and vibrancy. Listen in as we share some suggestions on how you can enhance your sleep using Ayurvedic herbs and practices. [BULLETS] Tony and I talk about nutrient deficiencies that are quite common and ways that we can work to balance that in your body and life... How to supplement with vitamin D and how it affects our overall health... Ways to expose your limbs to direct sunlight for optimum gains in vitamin D... We touch on the differences between vitamin D